Our Cause

Hello Clubpenguin! Many of you may want to know in Depth about our cause. What we want is to have Christmas back in Clubpenguin! We don't want all these name cover-ups to avoid the fact that Clubpenguin's "Holiday" celebration is just a Christmas Celebration. You may wonder why. The reason Clubpenguin changed its name to the Holiday Party is because not everyone celebrates Christmas and that it may offend some people. You know what else is offensive? Halloween. Yet they still have the Halloween Party! Our family finds Halloween Very Offensive, so we don't celebrate it. So if Clubpenguin has the Halloween, then we deserve Christmas! Is our Goal just to make the Holiday Party to the Christmas Party? No. Our Goal is to bring Christmas back to Clubpenguin and ALL THE OTHER HOLIDAYS to Clubpenguin for their debut in an ACTUAL Holiday Party! Why? I like the Holiday Party how it is! The fact of the matter is this. Clubpenguin doesn't want to offend anybody. They want everyone to have fun. But with the Holiday Party just being Christmas, quite a few people aren't having Fun. Why do you care? You celebrate Christmas, not Hanukkah or any other of the winter Holidays. Because we want to see everyone have fun and get to celebrate their Holiday! Maybe decorate some rooms for Hanukkah and a room for Kwanzaa. Get some new furniture items for those holidays!

The Big Picture

In our world, it is so full of disrespect and hate that it is crazy! But if we can all learn at a young age to love and respect one another, then the World can be a much better place. And the first place to start is Right here. Right now. At an actual Holiday Party. So who's with us? Let's make the Holiday Party the HOLIDAY PARTY! 

Happy Holidays, Everyone! 

~ Bird Pingu & Anna125

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