Sunday, August 31, 2014


 Dear very few penguins,

  Bird Pingu has already left and decided he isn't coming back and I am quitting because of cp advertisement parties. I am stopping the cause. Cp Bring Back Christmas is a lost cause and neither of us will be posting.


-Anna125 & Bird Pingu

Monday, May 26, 2014

Keep Sending!

Hey there guys! Has anyone sent in emails lately? Remember emails should contain these things:

Penguin name, cause (to bring back Christmas or add other holidays), and why it's important to you. Be nice. :) If you don't know their email here it is KEEP SENDING! :D

Waddle on!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

All Alone

Todays event was very upsetting. NO ONE SHOWED UP! It was just me all alone. :(

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Hey guys! I need some help getting banners to advertise this blog! If anyone can make me a banner please comment! Thank You!

Thursday, April 17, 2014



Date: Thurs. April 24th, 2014

Time: 3:00 p.m. (all times based on PST (penguin standard time)

Starting Room: Town

Server: Flurry


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We're Back!

 Hey guys! It's been a while! We realized it was little too late to start our cause when the party was about to start, so we stopped. Being busy with school and other things we never got back to it, but we are up and ready again now! And we aren't going to stop our cause even during the Holiday party! We want more holidays added to the Holiday party! So start sending those emails to CP, remember, it's from YOU, so put it in your own words. :) Here are some things you should have in it:

1. Say you want more Holidays added to the holiday party, so that it actually is a HOLIDAY party.

2. We wont stop until they add more holidays to the Holiday party!

Remember, BE NICE so they'll pass it on.

Waddle On!
~Anna125 & Bird Pingu